Sunday, October 24, 2010

River of Hope Recycling Fundraiser
Please help River of Hope, children, and the environment!
River of Hope Recycling will do all three! Here is how it works! Please collect all of your computer/copier paper, “junk mail”, magazines, books, shredded paper, phonebooks, newspapers, and office paper. River of Hope has teamed with A Greener Vision Inc. to assist with this fundraiser. Please save your paper and drop it off at Todd and Jennifer Konen’s Home. For larger loads, pick up can be arranged. We can provide an outdoor recycling container for businesses if needed.

River of Hope’s mission is to keep Riviera’s memory alive and to continue to offer hope for all children who are fighting for their lives. It is Riviera’s legacy to bring smiles to children’s faces as much as she brought to everyone around her. Thanks for being a part!

Pick up requests or questions please contact Todd at 920-843-5056 or

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