Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Holstein Elementary Collects $256.00 and 450 gifts!

Staff and families could donate $5.00 to add a Riviera star on the Riviera Wreath in the office. A special thanks to the Second Grade Team, Mrs. Yancy, Feuerstein family, Norton family, Pearsall family, and Sesing family for helping sort, label, and haul the gifts.

New Holstein Middle Collects $303.00 by selling candy canes and hosting a pajama day! The Middle School also collected several boxes of toys and books. Thanks Middle School Staff for your help in organizing the above events. It is truly appreciated!

A special thanks to the principals, Mrs. Richter and Mr. Amundson, for leading the schools in helping our wonderful cause!

This year we purchased portable DVD players and lots of newly released DVDs with this money. These are used when children leave their rooms for procedures to help pass the time. The Childlife staff really appreciates this donation every year.

Once again we are overwhelmed by the fantastic support by the School District of New Holstein.

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