Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sweet Sienna

Here is another local family's thank you. We are so blessed to get to meet all of these courageous kids! We had a great visit with Sienna and her family. We were warmly greeted and instantly began talking about both of our journeys. Keep fighting Sienna! To learn more about Sienna visit:

This was taken from Sienna's Caring Bridge...
Last night we had a special visit from the Konen family. They are a local family who started “River of Hope” in honor of their two year old daughter who passed away in 2006. For several years they have collected toy donations and distributed them to patients at American Family Children’s Hospital in Madison. Recently, they have also started giving gifts to local children to bring them hope as they struggle through difficult times. Last night they brought Sienna a whole bag full of wonderful surprises and included Aidan and Aubrey as well. Sienna especially liked the Dora Picnic Van and has been playing with it non-stop ever since. We appreciate them for thinking of Sienna and our family and for what they do to bring joy to so many children and families who struggle with serious and life threatening conditions on a daily basis. What a wonderful way to keep their daughter’s memory alive.

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