Monday, September 3, 2012

2012 Calumet County Law Enforcement Tournament a HUGE SUCCESS!

The 2012 Calumet County Law Enforcement Walleye Fishing Tournament was a huge success.  This was the third year that Calumet County Law Enforcement has teamed with River of Hope!  Special thanks to Danny, Denise, and Scott for their work in helping make this event so successful.  Despite the wind and waves, the fishing was good!  This year we raised over 680 gifts and $485.00 dollars for River of Hope!  A heartfelt thanks to all of the fishermen and fisherwomen for their generosity!  What a feeling it is so see the kindness of those who never met Riviera but keep her memory alive and help children in need.  Also a special thanks to the businesses and people who donated prizes for the participants.  Please check out the Calumet County Law Enforcement Fishing Tournament blog for more details of the event and information of how to participate in 2013.
Thanks from the bottom of our hearts!

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