Monday, September 3, 2012

Meeting Kira

We had the most wonderful pleasure of meeting the Bailey family of Chilton.  Their daughter, Kira, was a River of Hope receipient.  We met their family and shared stories.  It is amazing when we meet these families whose children are going through medical problems that there is an immediate bond. The kids played the whole while we were there.  Kira opened all of her presents and loved each one!  They are an amazing, beautiful family.  You could see their strong bond and could definitely feel their love for each other.  Big hugs to Kira and keep fighting sweetheart!

Below is the thank you from the Bailey Family:

Thank you for bringing some sunshine into our days!  The kids are still talking about Tristan and Gabbie.  Thanks for playing.  They made quite an impression.  Kira's fleece blanket hasn't left her bed since you gave it to her; in fact' she's making her bed everyday since...could that blanket have magical powers?! Ha Ha :)
Thank you for all your generous and thoughtful gifts.  However, the best part of the night was meeting and visiting with your family.  Thank you for sharing your story and for the warm smiles. Its always good for my soul to talk to others who understand, and that means the most to us!

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